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Court Marriage Kya Hai कोर्ट मैरिज की पूरी प्रक्रिया

Court Marriage Kya Hai कोर्ट मैरिज की पूरी प्रक्रिया

हर किसी का सपना होता है कि उनकी शादी धूमधाम से हो, लेकिन हर किसी के लिए इसे पूरा करना आसान नहीं होता। ऐसे समय आते हैं जब व्यक्ति अपने जीवन संगी का चयन खुद करना चाहते हैं, लेकिन विभिन्न परिस्थितियों के कारण वे पारंपरिक तरीके से विवाह करने में समर्थ नहीं होते। ... Read More


Court Marriage Government Benefits

India, a land of diverse cultures, faces a significant challenge when it comes to inter-caste marriages. Despite technological advancements and progress in various fields, the issue of marrying someone from a different caste remains a sensitive topic in many Indian families. Sadly, even today, some instances of honor killings associated with inter-caste marriages are reported, ... Read More


How Much is Court Marriage Budget Required to Get Married?

Court marriage is the legal solemnization of a marriage to grant it legal recognition. This type of marriage typically involves two individuals of the opposite gender, with the male being at least 21 years old and the female at least 18 years old ... Read More


How Much is Court Marriage Budget Required to Get Married?

Court marriage is the legal solemnization of a marriage to grant it legal recognition. This type of marriage typically involves two individuals of the opposite gender, with the male being at least 21 years old and the female at least 18 years old ... Read More

Difference Between Court Marriage and Marriage Registration

court marriage between hindu and muslim

Marriage between a Hindu girl and a Muslim boy is subject to different legal frameworks in India, namely Hindu Law, Muslim Law, and the Special Marriage Act, of 1954 ... Read More

Difference Between Court Marriage and Marriage Registration

Difference Between Court Marriage and Marriage Registration

When you're deeply in love and wish to marry someone, but your family opposes the union, you might consider either a Court Marriage or a Registered Marriage. However, it's essential to understand the processes, locations, required documents. ... Read More

Court Marriage Registration Process in India

Court Marriage Registration Process in India

In India, court marriages are conducted under the Special Marriage Act of 1954 and are recognized nationwide. These marriages are conducted without any discrimination based on factors like caste, color, religion, or creed. ... Read More

Court Marriage Documents list in hindi

Can court marriage be done in one day

कोर्ट मैरिज एक अनूठा विवाह प्रक्रिया है जिसमें लड़का और लड़की दोनों की सहमति के आधार पर और कानूनी उम्र पूर्ण होने पर उनके विवाह को क़ानूनी मान्यता प्रदान की जाती है। इस प्रक्रिया के अनुसार, वे अपने शादी को रजिस्ट्रार कार्यालय में दर्ज करवाते हैं और सरकारी निर्धारित दस्तावेज़ों के अनुसार विवाह की प्रक्रिया पूरी करते हैं।. ... Read More

Can court marriage be done in one day

Can court marriage be done in one day

If you're considering marrying your beloved in India, there are several legal pathways to pursue a court marriage easily. However, it's important to note that completing a court marriage within just 1 or 2 days is not feasible. The legal process generally mandates a minimum duration of approximately 30 days to finalize a court marriage in India. ... Read More

How to get Marriage Certificate in Delhi

How to get Marriage Certificate in Delhi

Marriage registration holds significant importance. While several states limit applications to offline channels, Delhi offers the flexibility of online and offline modes for registration certificates..... Read More

Understanding Arya Samaj Marriage Rules

court marriage kaise kare?

विवाह एक ऐसा सामाजिक प्रतिष्ठित और महत्वपूर्ण कदम है जिसमें दो व्यक्तियों के बीच नए और स्थायी संबंध की शुरुआत होती है। इसमें प्यार, समर्पण और साझेदारी की भावना होती है, जो दोनों प्रेमीयों के बीच अद्वितीय और अच्छे बंधन की नींव रखती है।...... Read More

Understanding Arya Samaj Marriage Rules

Understanding Arya Samaj Marriage Rules

Arya Samaj Marriages are known for their simplicity and straightforwardness. These ceremonies are conducted by the principles of the Arya Samaj movement...... Read More

Noida Court Marriage

Noida Court Marriage

In recent years, court marriages have gained popularity as a convenient and straightforward way for couples to solemnize their union. Noida is a famous city in Uttar Pradesh, India. It has witnessed a surge in court marriages due to its simplicity and legality.... Read More

How to Apply for Court Marriage in Delhi

How to Apply for Court Marriage in Delhi

Court marriage is a legally recognized form of marriage in India, which provides couples with a straightforward and valid way to tie the knot. It allows individuals from different castes, religions, or backgrounds to marry ... Read More

Arya Samaj Marriage in Bangalore

Arya Samaj Marriage in Bangalore

In the busy city of Bangalore, the concept of Arya Samaj marriage in Bangalore has been increasing. It represents a balanced mixture of tradition and modernity. This unique form of marriage, rooted in the principles of Arya Samaj, has gained popularity... Read More

Arya Samaj Marriage Procedure

Arya Samaj Marriage Procedure

Marriage is a special occasion in every individual's life. It creates an unbreakable bond between the individuals. Among the various wedding rituals and customs, Arya Samaj Marriage stands out as the best. It welcomes simplicity, equality, and spiritual connection.... Read More

Online Application for Court Marriage in Delhi

Online Application for Court Marriage in Delhi

In recent years, the number of people getting married through court marriage significantly increased. It is because of its simplicity and hassle-free process. With the development in digitalization couples in Delhi needs to submit an online application for court marriage...... Read More

Court Marriage Process in Noida.png

Arya Samaj Marriage Supreme Court

Arya Samaj Marriage Supreme Court's verdict has received a significant boost. This decision also holds huge importance as it upholds the principles of freedom of choice and equality. The couples who choose Arya Samaj marriages can enjoy legal recognition and protection for their marriage. In this blog, we are going to discuss the legal verdict .... Read More

How to Do Court Marriage

How to Do Court Marriage

Court marriage, also known as civil marriage or registry marriage, is a legal process that allows couples to solemnize their marriage in the presence of a marriage registrar and witnesses. It provides a simple and efficient way to get married without the need for elaborate ceremonies. In this blog... Read More

Court Marriage Procedure Pune

Court Marriage Procedure Pune

When two individuals decide to tie the knot, one of the options available to them is a court marriage. In Pune, just like in other parts of India, court marriages have gained popularity due to their simplicity and legal validity. In this blog, we are going to discuss the court marriage procedure in Pune... Read More

Is Arya Samaj Marriage Valid or Not

Is Arya Samaj Marriage Valid or Not

Arya Samaj marriage is a unique way of getting married that promotes simplicity, rationality, and also social equality. Arya Samaj is a group that started in the late 1800s to make changes in Hinduism. Swami Dayanand Saraswati started it. They think it is important to follow the Vedas, get avoid bad things in society, and treat everyone equally in society. They don't like things like worshipping statues or treating people differently because of their family... Read More

Arya Samaj Marriage in Ghaziabad

Arya Samaj Marriage in Ghaziabad

Welcome to the vibrant city of Ghaziabad, where tradition and progress step hand in hand. Explore the beauty of Arya Samaj marriages,where simplicity meets grandness and equality shines brightly. Join us on an exciting journey through ... Read More

Arya Samaj Marriage in Greater Noida

Arya Samaj Marriage in Greater Noida

he Arya Samaj marriage is becoming more popular in Greater Noida because it's a simple, equal, and traditional way to get married.It's based on the teachings of Swami Dayanand Saraswati, who founded a movement in Hinduism. .. Read More

Marriage Registration Gurgaon

Marriage Registration Gurgaon

Gurgaon, also known as Gurugram, is a crowded city located in the state of Haryana. Renowned for its rapid Growth and cosmopolitan atmosphere, Gurgaon has become one of the most sought-after destinations for weddings and marriages.... Read More

Marriage Registration Process Comprehensive Guide

Marriage Registration Process Comprehensive Guide

Marriage is a happy union that brings two people together to begin a lifelong journey of love and friendship. While the marriage ceremony is often the highlight of the process, it is important to complete the legal part of marriage registration.... Read More

SC/ST inter-caste marriage benefits

SC/ST inter-caste marriage benefits

Inter-caste marriages have long been regarded as a transformative step towards promoting equality and social harmony in diverse societies. In the context of Scheduled Castes (SC) and Scheduled Tribes (ST)..... Read More

Court marriage lawyer in Delhi

Court marriage lawyer in Delhi

Are you in search of a reliable and experienced court marriage lawyer? Look no further! At Legal Air, We specialize in providing exceptional services to ensure a smooth and hassle-free court marriage process ..... Read More


how to register marriage in Delhi

Marriage registration is a crucial legal process that provides recognition and authenticity to a marital union. In Delhi, the capital city of India, couples need to follow specific steps to register their marriage. In this article we will guide you through ..... Read More

Court marriage advocate in Delhi

Court marriage advocate in Delhi

Court marriage, also known as civil marriage, emerges as a binding contractual alliance between two distinct individuals duly performed by a marriage officer in the distinguished presence of vigilant witnesses. Diverging from the conventional religious o..... Read More

Delhi Marriage Guidelines

Delhi Marriage Guidelines

Planning a wedding can be both exciting and overwhelming. As you embark on this beautiful journey, it's essential to have a clear understanding of the guidelines and requirements specific to your location..... Read More

Court Marriage vs. Marriage Registration

Court Marriage vs. Marriage Registration

Marriage represents the beautiful union of two individuals on a lifelong journey together. However, the process of legally recognizing marriage can vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. This often leads to confusion between "court marriage" and "marriage registration"..... Read More

Court Marriage

Urgent Court Marriage in Thane

Are you considering an urgent court marriage in Thane? Whether it is because of private occasions or time constraints, court marriages provide a short and legally diagnosed manner for couples to solemnise their union. In this blog presentation,.... Read More

Court Marriage

Simplifying the Process of Court Marriage with LegalAir

Court marriages have ended up more and more famous because of their simplicity and legality. They offer couples a sincere and trouble-free opportunity for traditional wedding ceremony ceremonies. However, navigating the felony requirements.... Read More

A Guide to Navigating Court Marriage Without Informing Parents

A Guide to Navigating Court Marriage Without Informing Parents

Marriage is a significant milestone in one's life, and for various reasons, some individuals may choose to opt for a court marriage without informing their parents. This decision can arise due to cultural or personal reasons, such as interfaith or inter caste relationships,.... Read More

Court marriae k liye age

Court marriae k liye age

कोर्ट मैरिज या अदालती विवाह वह विवाह है जिसमें दोनों पक्षों के बीच संबंध और विवाहित होते हैं अपने जीवन साथी के साथ। यह विवाह प्रक्रिया सामाजिक या धार्मिक रूप से स्वीकार्य नहीं होने के कारण या अन्य कानूनी मामलों के कारण हो सकती है।.... Read More

Simplifying the Process of Court Marriage

Simplifying the Process of Court Marriage

Court marriages have ended up more and more famous because of their simplicity and legality. They offer couples a sincere and trouble-free opportunity for traditional wedding ceremony ceremonies. However, navigating the felony requirements and.... Read More

Court Marriage Process in patna

Court Marriage Process in Patna

Getting married marks a significant milestone in one's life, signifying the beginning of a new journey that is often celebrated with great joy and happiness. While traditional weddings are still popular, many couples are opting for court marriages as a more straightforward.... Read More

Court Marriage Process in Noida.png

Court Marriage Process in Noida

Court marriage, also known as civil marriage, is a legal union between two individuals, recognized by the law. It is a straightforward process that requires minimal formalities and can be completed in a short period. In this blog, we will discuss the process of court marriage in Noida.... Read More

Court Marriage Process in Gurgaon.png

Marriage Registration Agent

Marriage is a special and important event in a couple's life. Registering the marriage with the relevant government authorities is a crucial step in making the union legal and recognized. Marriage registration can confuse and overwhelm couples new to the requirements and procedures involved..... Read More

Court Marriage Process in Gurgaon.png

Marriage Certificate Process

Getting married is a significant milestone in life, and obtaining a marriage certificate is a crucial part of the process and also known as the marriage certificate process. A marriage certificate is a legal document that proves that you are married. ..... Read More

Court Marriage Process in Gurgaon.png

Court Marriage Process in Gurgaon

Court marriage can take place between adult men and women of any caste, creed, religion. It can happen between any Indian and foreign young women. For this, it is necessary for both the parties to submit the application form before the registrar. Court marriage is a common thing all over India. It is governed under the Special Marriage Act 1954... Read More

Documents required to apply for Marriage Registration in Bangalore

Documents required to apply for Marriage Registration in Bangalore

A marriage certificate for a married couple is the essential document through which their relationship is legally acknowledged. The marriage of a person without Certificate cannot be considered valid.... Read More

Marriage Certificate Corroboration Hyderabad

Marriage Certificate Corroboration Hyderabad

Marriage certificate substantiation is an interaction where the marriage certificate is confirmed for global use. Any wedded individual needs to do marriage certificate support if he/she is making a trip to an unfamiliar country.... Read More

can a-foreigner get married in india

How Might An Indian Get Married To A Foreigner In Banglore?

In case the one you can't live without lives in another nation or on another landmass that is seas separated and you can hardly wait to join with them here, in India, read on. While you might think love, similarity, and a sensation of fellowship are all you should be with your perfect partner.... Read More

arya samaj marriage benefits

Arya Samaj Marriage for a Simple, Authentic Wedding?

Several need to enlist their wedding in court to make it legitimate. When the marriage is performed by Arya Samaj customs, they additionally help the couple in getting the wedding testaments. A wedded couple ought to have a marriage endorsement. .... Read More

documents required for change of name in passport in india

Changing Your Name on Your Passport is a Easy Process?

Even though it has turned into a smidgen more muddled to acquire an identification than it at any point has been, having changes made to your visa doesn't need to be a troublesome or costly cycle. New safety efforts at the visitors have been started in the course of the most recent ten years that have fairly confounded the identification interactio .... Read More

how to change name in birth certificate in india

Wrong Name On Birth Certificate - How You Can Get It Corrected?

These days, it's exceptionally simple to accomplish any work as everything is currently accessible on the web. With the assistance of these administrations, you can get to everything from home. Presently these are subjects given beneath.... Read More

correction in birth certificate online

Birth Certificate Correction in India | Correction in Birth Certificate

A Birth certificate is an official record and reports this is proof of the kid’s life. Person Identity and nationality also can be determined via these certificates. It is likewise used in various authorities’ works like passports,.... Read More

Can a marriage be registered anywhere in India

Register your legal marriage in India with an official marriage counselor!?

Are you 18 years old and want to choose your life partner yourself? If you nod, you have the option to legally register your relationship through legal marriage. In Indian families, couples face many problems in marrying the person of their choice. Family members usually make decisions about marriage. .... Read More

What is the importance of marriage certificate

what is the importance of a marriage certificate in India?

The adjacent of loving souls in marriage is perhaps the maximum beautiful act of God that you can desire to stay of their lives, yet in case you misplaced your original marriage statistics and need replacements. .... Read More

What are the rules for court marriage in India

What are the rules for the court marriage process in India?

Court marriages in India are conducted under the Special Marriage Act of 1954 and the procedure is common throughout the country. The Court process of marriage is governed by the Special Marriage Act of 1954 and is common throughout the country..... Read More

How is marriage done in Arya Samaj

How marriage is done in Arya samaj? | Mandir marriage process

Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati discovered the famous Arya Samaj in Bombay, India in 1875. It was founded with the sole aim of clearing Hindu Dharma from all ambiguities and returning to Vedic teachings. .... Read More

Is it possible to change name online after marriage

Is it possible to name change online after marriage in India?

The method of changing the name is very simple. Thanks to the internet and thanks to the various companies that do this work. There was a time when people had to spend a lot of their money and precious time renaming. .... Read More

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About Legalair
Looking for a Legal Consultant for Marriage, Name change, Court Marriage?

LegalAir India’s most trusted Consultant/Agent for Court Marriage, Marriage Certificate, Name change, Arya samaj Marriage, apostille certificate, succession certificate, legal heir certificate, death certificate, aadhar card address change, pan card registration, passport name correction.

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Our Services

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Everything To Know About Marriage Certificate In India

In simple words, a marriage certificate is a legal or official declaration stating that two people are married in India. In India, marriage can either be registered under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 or under the Special Marriage Act, 1954. For both these types of marriage, a marriage is a legit proof that a couple is married. The fact is that in 2006, the Supreme Court made registration of marriage compulsory to safeguard women’s rights. No doubt, a marriage certificate is a legal document that women can use at the time of dispute relating to marriage and succession of properties

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Court Marriage Process In India

As the term suggests, court marriage is performed in the presence of a marriage officer and three witnesses. The court marriage is solemnized under the special marriage act, 1954 and Hindu marriage act, 1955. Moreover, court marriage can be performed between two Indians irrespective of their caste, religion, or creed. In fact, court marriage can also be performed between an Indian and a foreigner.

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Name Change Service In India

Have you just got hitched and want to change your name after marriage? In India, changing your name after marriage is common. When you exchange wedding vows with your soulmate, you’re committing to be lifelong partners. A name change is also crucial. Moreover, the process for changing one’s name after marriage in India is quite easy. Moreover, a person is not allowed to change their name more than once in India. In order to change the name of the person, pan card, passport, banks, driving license, address proof, ID proof, and many other important documents are required.

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Arya Samaj Marriage In India

To understand the arya samaj marriage, first it’s important to know who founded it. The arya samaj was founded by Swami Dayananda Swraswati in 1875. Arya samaj marriage is prominent and respected in the hindu society, which is based on vedic culture and traditions. Carried out as per the vedic traditions, the arya samaj marriage is legally valid as per the arya samaj marriage validation act 1937 along with the provision of Hindu Marriage act 1955.

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Birth Certificate Registration Online

The Registration of Birth Act, 1969, it is mandatory to register every birth as per the birth registration act. Today, the birth certificate is one of the most important legal certificates to obtain today. This certificate serves as an identity proof of a person in different circumstances. The chief registrar of birth is responsible for issuing the birth certificate under the state Government of Delhi. A birth certificate can easily be obtained if the event of birth is registered within 21 days from the date of birth.

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